If you want a miracle - be a miracle.
What metal band are you?
My Results:

You are Death! You are one of the key inventors of modern day death metal. With every album you've always gotten better. You're well respected in the music industry. The metal world wept when your band creator passed away from a brain tumor. Symbolism is an important property in your music.
P.S. Тест - фуфло ^_^
My Results:

You are Death! You are one of the key inventors of modern day death metal. With every album you've always gotten better. You're well respected in the music industry. The metal world wept when your band creator passed away from a brain tumor. Symbolism is an important property in your music.
P.S. Тест - фуфло ^_^
Btw Death одна из моих любимых групп, советую послушать
судя по названию - оно должно рычать.
Vselennaja polna zagadok i paradoksov.
Naprimer ja, ona polna mnoj, a ja dostatocno zagadocen i paradoksalen, ja tak scitaju. :}
What metal band are you?
My Results:
You are Opeth! You are very poetic with your lyrics, and your music flows like a waterfall. Your emotions change from angry to sad very quickly. Some people don't like you because you can sound too depressing. You're one of the best metal bands in the world, and you worship your fans!